How does Openroom work with Equifax?

Openroom & Equifax Partnership - A story for you

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The Openroom and Equifax Partnership

In August 2023, Openroom has signed an official agreement with Equifax to work with them as a Data Furnisher partner.


Throughout 2023-2024, we have completed several tests to ensure that the data we are providing to Equifax is factual, verified, and complete to the best of our abilities.

As of August 2024, we have officially gone live with the Openroom Rental Debt Ledger to supply Equifax with debts that Tenants owe to Housing Providers.

Capacity of the Partnership

✅ Openroom supplies Rental Debt data to Equifax

❌ Openroom does pull reports from Equifax directly.

<aside> 📃 Note to Housing Providers: We are not a Tenant Screening Company that helps you pull Tenant reports for the purposes of tenant vetting from Equifax. You can utilize services such as SingleKey for this.


<aside> 📃 Note to Renters: We are not able to pull a Credit Report on you to supply to a Landlord. You can utilize services such as Borrowell or Koho to pull a free report.
